Staying safe online

16 June 2020 News Read time 5m
Staying safe online


We’ve taken steps to ensure that you and your computer are safe when using Close Brothers Savings’ online service, but it’s important that you know how to stay safe online too. Take a look at some of our top tips below.

Create a strong password

Always choose a strong password and use a password manager where possible. Do not use the same password for all of your accounts and never use words that are related to you or can be easily guessed.

For tips on setting a strong password visit

Keep your software up-to-date

Keep your devices, software & anti-virus up-to-date so you have the full level of protection available. When you’re alerted to an update for your device or one of your apps, don’t ignore it — install it as soon as possible.

Take care when using a public computer

Never save your password on a public or shared computer and remember to logout of any website when you’re away from the computer. Use ‘incognito mode’ or private browsing’ (you may still be monitored in a public setting).

Be suspicious

Always be suspicious of any attempt to obtain a password or any piece of personal data. Never supply your security details to anyone in any form including over the phone or via email, even if that request seems to come from a trusted source.

Look for the padlock

Double check the web address in your browser and look for the padlock symbol next to the web address to confirm you’re on the genuine Close Brothers website. 


For more information on staying safe online please visit:


Download our Staying Safe Online leaflet